Articles on: Mechanical Movements

Antique American Clock Movement Replacement Information Tabs

American Clock Movement Reproductions - Modern made replacement units for American time / strike clock movements. - Clockworks

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Antique American Clock Replacements

American clock movement Replacements made in India. These brass Antique American Clock Replacements are the same size as many early American pendulum clocks.

Therefore, they fit a variety of clock case styles made in that time period. An accurate reproduction of the American style movement with brass plates and oil sinks. These movements are also available in front or rear mount pendulums.

The overall quality is not the same as the antique units, however it will make the clock run again for years.


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[su_tab title="Repair Options" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class="]
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[su_tab title="Building a replica" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class="]
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[su_tab title="Instructions" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class="]
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Updated on: 20/12/2024

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