Clock Movement 241-070 Conversion
Clock movement 241-070 Conversion
The obsolete 241-070 two bell back unit can be replaced with the 241-080 one bell top clock movement. Instead of the bell or bells on the back of the movement it will now be on the top. The one bell top unit is the same in every other way. The plate size to part compatibility and so forth is the same, so its the best alternate unit. This means the old clock weights and pendulum, dial, hands, mounts will all be the same.
The 241-070 was a popular unit for many years. It is a good thing there is something that makes a new unit, regardless of the bell location. The pendulum length most popular for the 241-070 was 94cm. This was measured from the top of the unit to the very bottom of the rating nut threads. This length is not stocked in the 94cm for 241-080 series but we make it up special. We take new gears we have here and swap them out in the new movement. These gears are in the time train and create the pendulum length where the clock will keep approximate time. So it is listed as an option on the drop down list but with a fee included in the price. The regear of the movement to match up with the old and hence be able to use the pendulum in its current length.
Conversion from old to new is still able to be done, despite the 241-070's obsolete status. The conversion only makes the clock movement have a bell on top instead of on the back. It is already oiled and comes with instructions for installation. Installation is easy on this series as its only held in with two screws underneath the clock movement. These screws go up into the pillar posts. The pillar posts on the bottom of the unit have threaded holes. Conversion from the 241-070 clock movement to the 241-080 is fast and simple.
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Updated on: 27/12/2024
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