Hermle Movement Date Codes
How Old? Hermle Movement Date Codes
Dating a Hermle clock movement by decoding the date code stamp. This is to know when the movement was made and decide if the clock has lived its life and is time for a new one. After finding the Hermle movement date code, it can be figured out how old the clock movement is with the below chart. If the clock is over 20 years old it is time to replace it. If the clock is under 20 years old is the only time to consider fixing the movement.
Date Code System Change
Prior to using Hermle movement date codes, early movements before the year 1987 have just the stamp of the year on the back of the clock movement, 81 just means 1981. From 1987 on they used letter codes instead of numbers to represent the year made. Such as the year 1988 is only marked with the letter A instead, and 1989 is the letter B, and 1990 as the letter C etc.
[su_table responsive="no" alternate="yes" fixed="no" class="]
76 = 1976
77 = 1977
78 = 1978
79 = 1979
80 = 1980
81 = 1981
82 = 1982
83 = 1983
84 = 1984
85 = 1985
86 = 1986
87 = 1987
A = 1988
B = 1989
C = 1990
D = 1991
E = 1992
F = 1993
G = 1994
H = 1995
I = 1996
J = 1997
K = 1998
L = 1999
M = 2000
N = 2001
O = 2002
P = 2003
Q = 2004
R = 2005
S = 2006
T = 2007
U = 2008
V = 2009
W = 2010
X = 2011
Y = 2012
Z = 2013
AA = 2014
AB = 2015
AC = 2016
AD = 2017
AE = 2018
AF = 2019
Updated on: 01/01/2025
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