How do I identify a Seth Thomas Clock Movement?
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Seth Thomas Movement Identification
Seth Thomas movement identification is a fairly easy process. ST clock movements have specific markings that identify them. Their fame began in the Antique days. They were known for making their own movements and clock cases. Of course, the craftsmanship was astounding. After the war era, they did not make anymore clock movements. Instead the use of Hermle clock movements began.
For the most part, the name Seth Thomas did not stay with one company very long after the war. The outcome of these takeovers are three types of Seth Thomas clock movements. The Antique Seth Thomas were in production during and long before WW2. The use of German units such as Hermle, as well as movements that operate by battery, also began post WW2 by Seth Thomas. Hermle clock movements are German made and of the highest quality. Clockworks offers these types of movements.
There are a few ways to tell if the ST is an antique. The easiest way is if there are no pits in the movement plates. Please see the picture below. Notice the pattern on the outer plates. The antique Seth Thomas clock movements never had this design pattern on them. It will have ST with a circle around it for a logo. Additionally, the movement will say made in USA. They may also have a few numbers on it such as 89 or 124. This will tell you it is an antique. It also means that it is not available new, and made before 1950. A repair would be your only option.

The picture displays the small bumps, or pits, in the movement plates. This design on the Seth Thomas movement indicates some interesting things. In short, the date of the movement is between 1950 and 1979, and it was made in Germany. This also means you have a good chance of getting a new movement from Clockworks. To get a new movement means the cost is a fraction of the price of an overhaul. It will also ship out right away. The clock will be running right away instead of months later. It is not possible to restore a clock movement so it is better than new. To order a new movement, match up the numbers on the Seth Thomas page. If you have questions please email us.
The content of this website is copyright by Clockworks and written by James Stoudenmire in year 2020
Last Updated: 2 months ago in
Seth Thomas Movement Identification
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Seth Thomas movement identification
Seth Thomas movement identification is a fairly easy process. ST clock movements have specific markings that identify them. Their fame began in the Antique days. They were known for making their own movements and clock cases. Of course, the craftsmanship was astounding. After the war era, they did not make anymore clock movements. Instead the use of Hermle clock movements began.
In the end
For the most part, the name Seth Thomas did not stay with one company very long after the war. The outcome of these takeovers are three types of Seth Thomas clock movements. The Antique Seth Thomas were in production during and long before WW2. The use of German units such as Hermle, as well as movements that operate by battery, also began post WW2 by Seth Thomas. Hermle clock movements are German made and of the highest quality. Clockworks offers these types of movements.
Is the clock an antique Seth Thomas?
There are a few ways to tell if the ST is an antique. The easiest way is if there are no pits in the movement plates. Please see the picture below. Notice the pattern on the outer plates. The antique Seth Thomas clock movements never had this design pattern on them. It will have ST with a circle around it for a logo. Additionally, the movement will say made in USA. They may also have a few numbers on it such as 89 or 124. This will tell you it is an antique. It also means that it is not available new, and made before 1950. A repair would be your only option.

Modern Seth Thomas Movement Identification
The picture displays the small bumps, or pits, in the movement plates. This design on the Seth Thomas movement indicates some interesting things. In short, the date of the movement is between 1950 and 1979, and it was made in Germany. This also means you have a good chance of getting a new movement from Clockworks. To get a new movement means the cost is a fraction of the price of an overhaul. It will also ship out right away. The clock will be running right away instead of months later. It is not possible to restore a clock movement so it is better than new. To order a new movement, match up the numbers on the Seth Thomas page. If you have questions please email us.
The content of this website is copyright by Clockworks and written by James Stoudenmire in year 2020
Last Updated: 2 months ago in
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Updated on: 08/08/2022
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