Articles on: Mechanical Movements

Urgos Clock Conversion Chart

Urgos Clock Conversion Chart

The Urgos clock conversion chart is an essential reference when the old unit is not included on the list. This situation often arises because the numbering system changes whenever a movement is reintroduced into production. Initially, the old number was assigned during the first production run of the movement. However, when production ceased, those numbers remained associated with the discontinued stock. Later, as demand increased and production resumed, a new number was assigned to differentiate it from the original version. Consequently, a single movement can have both an old and a new number, reflecting its production history.

**How to Use the Urgos Clock Conversion Chart**

If the movement you’re searching for isn’t listed in the links above, the conversion chart will provide a solution. First, locate the old number on the chart and match it to its corresponding new number. Then, with the updated number in hand, search for it using the provided links. As a result, you can confidently identify and order the correct Urgos clock movement, even when older numbering systems no longer apply. Ultimately, this straightforward process simplifies the task of finding the correct replacement.

UW 32 Series

UW 03 Series


32/1 = 32319
32/2 = 32325
32/3 = 32342
32/5 = 32342
32/6 = 32342
32/8 = 32326
32/9 = 32320
32/10 = 32325
32/11 = 32363
32/12 = 32328
32/13 = 32328
32/15 = 32326
32/19 = 32316
32/20 = 32340
32/26 = 32340
32/33 = 32316
32/35 = 32317
32/36 = 32349
32/42 = 32302
32/43 = 32302
32/45 = 32316
32/36 = 32349
32/42 = 32302
32/43 = 32302
32/45 = 32316
32/49 = 32334
32/50 = 32342
32/57 = 32342
32/59 = 32349
32/61 = 32319
32/62 = 32316
32/68 = 32319
32/70 = 32316
32/71 = 32340
32/73 = 32334
32/75 = 32342
32/76 = 32302
32/77 = 32325
32/78 = 32326
32/86 = 32340
32/96 = 32340


32101 = 32328
32102 = 32363
32110 = 32333
32114 = 32317
32115 = 32320
32130 = 32317
32145 = 32333
32149 = 32325
32151 = 32316
32166 = 32342
32198 = 32316
32501 = 32319
32166 = 32342
32198 = 32316
32501 = 32319
32535 = 32322
32545 = 32316
32546 = 32334
32562 = 32316
32568 = 32319
32570 = 32316
32573 = 32334
32575 = 32342
32576 = 32342
32596 = 32340
32601 = 32328
32610 = 32333
32639 = 32342
32645 = 32333
32647 = 32317
32663 = 32317
32664 = 32349
32670 = 32322
32681 = 32340
32685 = 32333
32691 = 32342
32692 = 32316
32696 = 32349
32699 = 32342
32700 = 32359
32711 = 32331
32760 = 32319


3/1 = 03101
3/3 = 03120
3/5 = 03096
3/11 = 03101
3/12 = 03096
3/13 = 03101
3/15 = 03124
3/18 = 03102
3/19 = 03X012
03020 = 03096
03021 = 03101
03022 = 03120
03024 = 03101
03025 = 03096
03026 = 03102
03027 = 03101
03028 = 03121
03029 = 03121
03030 = 03083
03031 = 03101
03032 = 03096
03033 = 03101
03034 = 03096
03035 = 03102
03036 = 03102
03037 = 03121
03038 = 03083
03040 = 03108
03041 = 03X012
03042 = 03108
03044 = 03102
03045 = 03082
03046 = 03102
03049 = 03123
03051 = 03082
03052 = 03083
03053 = 03124
03054 = 03101
03055 = 03096
03056 = 03102


03058 = 03083
03061 = 03096
03064 = 03124
03068 = 03120
03069 = 03123
03070 = 03X012
03071 = 03108
03078 = 03X012
03086 = 03096
03088 = 03124
03089 = 03083
03098 = 03123
03106 = 03123
03109 = 03124
03089 = 03083
03098 = 03123
03106 = 03123
03109 = 03124
03110 = 03108
03114 = 03083
66010 = 66020
66015 = 66020
66016 = 66018
66025 = 66020
66032 = 66020
66033 = 66044
66035 = 66044
66036 = 66018
66038 = 66020
66002 = 66020*
66004 = 66018
66005 = 66020*
66009 = 66020

If no luck with above

If the above Urgos clock conversion chart produced no results it can still be available. So email us a picture of the back plate of the clock movement. You will receive an email reply asking a series of questions about the movement and possibly some measurements. Of course, it is not uncommon to have the movement even though it is not listed above. However, if the new one is not available it may still be converted to a similar one made by someone else.

Updated on: 01/01/2025

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