Articles on: Mechanical Movements

What is a 241 Hermle Clock Movement?

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The Hermle 241 clock movement series

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Hermle 241 clock movement

Hermle 241 clock movement is a compact chain driven, two weight movement. This unit runs eight days on a single wind up and comes as a pendulum movement only. It is a nice clock for smaller floor clock models and works well in a shaker style case. Other uses include wall clock cases such as a wag on the wall or Vienna style clock.

The movement

When purchasing the movement, it includes the chains, hand nut, leader and suspension spring. [Weights](, pendulum, dial, hands or chimeblock are sold separately. This page is for the Hermle 241 clock movement alone as a replacement or to piece together a clock kit.

The installation

A simple clock movement to work with and is easy to swap out a worn out old unit. Once the hands and dial are off, things get easy. Two screws underneath the movement is all that is holding it in the clock case. Once the weights and pendulum are out of the way, there are only two screws to deal with. Installation of course is just the reverse of the removal. Of course Clockworks provides instructions for a couple of set up steps and your done. If there is any road blocks during this simple process just contact us with your questions. We have been clock makers and clock repairmen for 100 years in this family. We can help with your questions long after the factory warranty is gone or if you need parts.

The speed

The speed of going from a broken clock to a working new movement is the shortest possible route. An overhaul is the the alternate route for the movement. However this requires twice the price of the new one, and you will get back an old movement that will keep requiring more work. The choice is pretty clear to just get the new unit and be done with the project. The movement will last another 25 years for less cost as well as the clock being back up and running quickly. We ship everyday so it will go out the same day or the next business day from MA USA.

The content of this website is copyright by Clockworks and written by James Stoudenmire in year 2020

Last Updated: 2 months ago in

Updated on: 05/08/2022

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