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What is the Obsolete Antique Electric Clock?

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The Obsolete Antique Electric Clock

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The obsolete antique electric clock

In the 1920's through the 1950's there were many mechanical clocks that had an electric motor to run them. Unfortunately most of those wonderful electro-mechanical shelf clocks have parts that are no longer available. Some of those units were very impressive, combining the electrical motor with a quality brass movement. This then eliminated the requirement of winding the clock for it to function.

Pending doom to the electric clock

If an obsolete antique motor is needed, all you can do is throw the clock trash usually. It maybe possible to find someone to rebuild the coil if that is the issue. We at do not perform such service however. We found it is often unsuccessful and would need to charge way to much for this to happen. In the end the clock would still be left with a motor that is old and worn. This is found not to be a viable long term solution and ultimately a waist of money.

Alternate units for the obsolete

There are alternate units you may consider if your stuck on keeping the clock case. Options include a new wind up movement or battery operated clock movement instead. These conversions are explained more in detail in another section. Quartz units require the center hole of the clock dial to be 3/8 wide. Drilling the 3/8 wide hole in the clock dial maybe required because many of the electric units have a smaller sized hole. Quartz units have a 5/16 wide post to go through that 3/8 wide dial hole. It is a challenge to convert to a quartz unit, and not always successful. The electric clock movement that is now obsolete can be replaced with a quality mechanical unit instead.

The obsolete antique electric clock - Conclusion

If going with a quartz replacement please know the project can go south. An error in drilling the dial out for example could render the dial useless. The clock dial is unobtainable so the project is ditched. Your left with a wood case with nothing to do. Sad story but it is what it is and you maybe best to just buy a new clock if it gets to that point.

For a functioning clock and stay high quality a mechanical unit is best. The mechanical unit would not require the drilling out of the clock dial. It will mount to the wood case and be a back wind instead of plugging into the wall.

The content of this website is copyright by Clockworks and written by James Stoudenmire in year 2020

Last Updated: 2 months ago in

Updated on: 09/08/2022

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