Where can I replace a Hole-End Clock Mainspring?
Knowledge Base
Hole-End Clock Mainspring Replacement Service
For a hole-end clock mainspring replacement, send clockworks the clock barrel and we will swap out the mainspring. Leave the Hole-End clock mainspring within that barrel. The price for this service is $80 and includes the cost of the Hole-End mainspring and shipping back.
clockworks.com will remove the broken or worn spring from the container in a safe way. Then measuring the thickness and width and stretching it out to get the length. Next we will use the chart to get the right one from the list. We will then pull that spring from the inventory that is already here with us at Clockworks. The installation of the spring will be done with the special tool called a mainspring winder.
Please send the barrel with the broken Hole-End clock mainspring to us. Sent it to Clockworks PO Box 339 Huntington MA 01050. Please send with a check for $80 and a note with the contact information.

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The content of this website is copyright by Clockworks and written by James Stoudenmire in year 2020
Last Updated: 2 months ago in
Hole-End Clock Mainspring Replacement Service
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Hole-End Clock Mainspring replacement service
For a hole-end clock mainspring replacement, send clockworks the clock barrel and we will swap out the mainspring. Leave the Hole-End clock mainspring within that barrel. The price for this service is $80 and includes the cost of the Hole-End mainspring and shipping back.
What will be done
clockworks.com will remove the broken or worn spring from the container in a safe way. Then measuring the thickness and width and stretching it out to get the length. Next we will use the chart to get the right one from the list. We will then pull that spring from the inventory that is already here with us at Clockworks. The installation of the spring will be done with the special tool called a mainspring winder.
Sending the Hole-End mainspring
Please send the barrel with the broken Hole-End clock mainspring to us. Sent it to Clockworks PO Box 339 Huntington MA 01050. Please send with a check for $80 and a note with the contact information.

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The content of this website is copyright by Clockworks and written by James Stoudenmire in year 2020
Last Updated: 2 months ago in
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Updated on: 05/08/2022
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