Clock Keys
Where can I get the right Mechanical Clock Key?
Knowledge Base How to get the right mechanical clock key Article sections Mechanical clock keys Mechanical clock keys is the clock part that is most frequently lost. Once the clock key is separated from the clock it always seems to end up missing. With the below information and the clockPopularWhere can I order a Clock Key?
We have keys at this link Here we have clock keys in all the sizes available. We get many calls asking what key their clock takes and over the phone it is difficult to say you need key size this or that. Do not call. Best to read the below text on how to use the clock keys chart and get the correct sized key to wind your clock. Most common sizes are as follows, these are the usual sizes and not always the situatPopularWhere can I find a Clock Key Size Chart?
Knowledge Base Clock key size chart to get the right key Article sections Clock key size chart explanation Clock keys have there own number system from 000 to 16 as seen in the Clock key size chart. However the number does not indicate what size is what number and can be confusing. It would make more sense if the key sizPopularWhere can I find a Clock Key Chart?
Knowledge Base Clock Keys and Cranks Info Tabs Article sections Clock Keys and Cranks- Use our clock key chart to figure out the exact fit for the clock. We offer keys and grandfather clock cranks. Clock KeysFinding the right clock keyDouble End Clock Key (F / S at 12) NoteThe clock key chart Please view these information tabs to help with determining the proper key size for your clock. Mechanical clock keys Mechanical clock keys (/product/brasPopularHow do I understand a Clock Key Size Chart?
Clock keys have there own number system from 000 to 16 as seen in the Clock key size chart. However the number does not indicate what size is what number and can be confusing. It would make more sense if the key size was the MM of how wide the key was to fit, but this is not how it works. This section is to figure out what key number to order so the clock can be wound up. Subsequently, the clock key gets lost the most out of any other clock part. Of course, it can be tricky to find the right keyPopularWhat is a Double End Clock Key (F / S at 12)?
Knowledge Base Double End Clock Key (F / S at 12) Note Article sections Double End Clock Key (F / S at 12) Note Some clocks have a small place that looks like a mini clock winding arbor at the 12. It may say F / S or A / R. The F / S this means fast or slow, and the A / R represents advance or retard. This controls the timing of the clock and turning it to fast or advance makes time faster opposite for slow. An ideal double end key (https://www.clSome readersHow Do I Know What Size My Clock Key Is?
Understanding the correct size of your clock key is crucial for maintaining and operating your timepiece. The key size affects how well you can wind the clock and keep it running smoothly. If you're unsure about your clock key size, this guide will help you determine the right one and ensure your clock remains in good working order. 1. Why Is Knowing Your Clock Key Size Important? Understanding the size oFew readersClock Keys and Cranks Info Tabs
Clock Keys and Cranks- Use our clock key chart to figure out the exact fit for the clock. We offer keys and grandfather clock cranks. sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Clock Keys" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to help with determining the proper key size for your clock. /sutab sutab title="Finding the right clock key" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" post-content id=Few readers
What Clock Movement Suspension Spring do I need?
Most common suspension is our letter A. The suspension spring A is the most common suspension spring needed. If working with a floor clock it would be suspension A2 or A3 depending on the pendulum. For a pendulum with a 6 1/2 inch (165mm) or less bob diameter, use suspension A2. If larger, use suspension A3. Suspension A4 is only for huge clocks with tubes hanging off the back of it (tubular bell units) with a very heavy pendulum. to set the Strike on a Mechanical Clock
Knowledge Base Mechanical Clock Strike Setting Article sections Mechanical Clock Strike Setting Mechanical clock strike setting is not hard. Some simple fixes can correct any problems. This information is for a new unit straight out of the box. Subsequently, for installation into an existing clock case. However it is also practical for other situations where there are strike issues German clocks. The strike issues can be from not striking at all toPopularWhat are Clicks and Click Springs?
Knowledge Base Clicks and click springs Article sections Clicks and click springs Mechanical clocks with a ratchet wheel use clicks. This can mean a spring driven clock or a weight driven clock. Clicks keeSome readersWhere can I get Mechanical Clock Hand Nuts?
Knowledge Base Mechanical Clock Parts Information Tabs Article sections Mechanical Clock Movement Identification - Rather then repairing it sometimes just makes more sense to replace. Save time and money on repairs. Mechanical Clock Parts InformationAbout mechanical hand nutsAbout clicks and click springs Mechanical clock parts information and important facts to know. Additionally, it is not always easySome readersWhat are friction fit Clock Inserts?
Knowledge Base Friction Fit Clock Inserts Article sections Friction Fit Clock Inserts Friction fit clock inserts fit into an existing hole. In other words, drill a hole into any object and just push the clock insert into it. The insert alone will be too loose of a fit so there is a rubber ring on the back side to fill the gap. Sometimes the rings will break or get lost anSome readersHow do I measure the Hand Shaft on a Clock Movement?
Need to know the hand shaft length from the front plate of the movement all the way out to the end of the minute hand nut threads. There are things in the way but we need it from the front plate. The movement consists of two plates with the gears in the middle. We need it from the front plate out. This is the shaft that the clock hands go on.Some readersHow do I install Mechanical Clock Chains?
Knowledge Base Mechanical Clock Chains Installation Article sections Mechanical Clock Chains Installation Mechanical clock chain Installation is easy. The chains sometimes fall off during shipping, all that is required is to loop them back over there ratchet wheels. Mechanical Clock Chains Installation maybe requiFew readersClock Movement Parts Information
Clock Movements All clocks need some sort of power to run them. This power can come from a battery, or electricity, or a clock weight. It might even be a wind-up mainspring. provides clock movements with each oFew readersMechanical Clock Hand Nuts
Mechanical Clock Hand Nuts One of the most common parts a Mechanical clock needs is the hand nut. As we said before, the older the clock the harder things are to find. So, the hand nuts Clockworks offer are for movements made after the 1930's. Prior to 1930 clock hand nuts There were not many standards on whFew readersChanging a Clock Cable
Changing a Clock Cable Changing a clock cable requires the movement to be out of the clock case. These instructions refer to post WW2 modern grandfather units of German origin, however all makes have a similar method. Swapping the cable is easy. There is a big hole and a little hole on the cable mount. The cable end fits into the big hole, then slides over to seat into the little hole. When the lock is setFew readersClicks and Click Springs
Clicks and Click Springs Mechanical clocks with a ratchet wheel use clicks. This can mean a spring driven clock or a weight driven clock. Clicks keep it wound in only one direction. Both have a ratcheting function as in a wheel being able to turn one way only. It spins one way and makes a clicking sound when this is done. That clicking sound is theFew readers
How to assemble a Mechanical Clock Pendulum
Knowledge Base The Mechanical Clock Pendulum Assembly Article sections The Mechanical Clock Pendulum Assembly The mechanical clock pendulum assembly does not mean just the pendulum ( is a Clock Pendulum Suspension Spring?
Knowledge Base Clock Pendulum Suspension Spring Information Article sections Clock Pendulum Suspension Spring Naturally, suspension springs do not have to be exact in length. If the clock runs slow, simply raise the pendulum bob with the rating nut ( do I time a Mechanical Pendulum Clock?
Knowledge Base Timing a Mechanical Pendulum Clock Article sections Timing a mechanical pendulum clock Timing a mechanical pendulum clock is all about the overall pendulum length. Rarely has anything to do with the movement itself, unless the movement not geared to the proper length from the start. A mechanical clock is easySome readersHow do I fix the length of a Mechanical Clock Pendulum?
Knowledge Base The mechanical clock pendulum length Article sections The mechanical clock pendulum length A pendulum clock without a pendulum is a shame for sure. Hence, getting the mechanical clock pendulum length correct does take some diving into the clock world. I there is no idea what pendulum it would take, this is a bSome readersWhat are Clock Pendulum Components?
Knowledge Base Clock Pendulum Components Description Article sections Clock pendulum components description Altogether, this is a description of the clock pendulum parts and components. Please use this as a glossary of the parts to a clock pendulum assembly. Knowing the correct terms for the various pendulum parts is helpful when locating replacements. We are pretty adept at deciphSome readersHow do I measure a Hermle Clock Pendulum?
Knowledge Base Hermle Clock Pendulum Measuring Article sections Hermle Clock Pendulum Measuring If a Hermle clock doesn't keep proper time, the pendulum may be incorrect. To determine if this is the problem, measure all of the components of the pendulum. Hermle clock pendulum measuring isSome readersHow do I know the length of my Clock Pendulum?
The pendulum length (cm) will be from the suspension post all the way down to the bottom of the pendulum nut threads. So this pendulum length (cm) includes the pendulum from tip to tip, the leader it hangs on, and the suspension spring the leader hangs on all in one measurement. This pendulum length will not always be exactly what is marked on the movement, There are other factors such as the pendulum bob diameter and how much the bob weighs. If the CM length on the old unit matches the CM lengtSome readersWhat are different Grandfather Clock Pendulum options?
Knowledge Base Grandfather Clock Pendulum Information Article sections Grandfather Clock Pendulum Information Grandfather clock pendulum information begins with the obvious discussion of length. The length of the pendulum on German units comes in a few CM options. GermSome readersHow do you measure the Pendulum on German Clocks?
Knowledge Base Pendulum Measuring on German Clocks Article sections Sequential steps to obtain a pendulum First, know who really made the movement. If the clock was made in Germany post WW2, it will be one of four makers. Hermle, Jauch (httSome readersHow do I get an Urgos Lyre Pendulum?
Knowledge Base Urgos Lyre Pendulum Availability Article sections Urgos Lyre Pendulum Availability Urgos Lyre Pendulum Availability is none at all actually. They have not been made in over 30 years, in fact none of the outer component have been. However there is still a solution and we can provide the lyre pendulum that is custom fit. Custom pendulum work Clockworks (htSome readersHow do I assemble a Stick Pendulum?
Knowledge Base Clock Pendulum Stick Assembly Article sections Stick pendulum assembly The unstained wooden stick pendulum does not come assembled. This is the case so it can be stained, if so choose, and then put together. It can be left unstained, stained to match the clock case, or painted black. This is the most versatile style of all the pendulum (https://www.cloFew readersWhat Does a Clock Pendulum Do?
Quartz Clock Pendulum Bob A clock pendulum plays a crucial role in the accurate timekeeping of traditional clocks. It is more than just a decorative feature; it is the heart of the clock's timing mechanism. Let's explore how a pendulum works, why it’s vital for your clock's function, and how to maiFew readersClock Pendulum Leader Information
Clock Pendulum Leaders Mechanical pendulum clock leaders for post 1950 movements. These leader will fit clock movements made in Germany after WW2. The first step to replace a lost leader is to visually match one to the old leader. If the leader does not match up to any of the onesFew readersReplacing Lost Pendulum Parts
Replacing Lost Pendulum Parts By and large, replacing a lost pendulum part from its assembly is a process. It is more in depth than just matching up the broken pendulum part. Certainly, narrowing it down requires a different method than just observation. The following text will guide you through that process. The lost pendulum First, identify the movement manufacturer. This is tFew readersClock Pendulum Components Description
Clock pendulum components description Altogether, this is a description of the clock pendulum parts and components. Please use this as a glossary for parts in a clock pendulum assembly. Knowing the correct terms for the various pendulum parts is helpful when ordering replacements. We are quite adept at deciphering descriptions of parts however, knowing the name is always something we welcome. The clock pendulum First, a clock pendulum (/clocFew readersUrgos Lyre Pendulum Availability
Urgos Lyre Pendulum Availability Urgos Lyre Pendulum are not available any longer. They have not been made in over 30 years. In fact none of the outer components have been made. However there is still a solution. We can provide the lyre pendulum that is a custom fit. Custom pendulum work Clockworks can customize a new Lyre pendulum for the UW Urgos clock movementFew readersThe Mechanical Clock Pendulum Length
The mechanical clock pendulum length A pendulum clock without a pendulum is a shame for sure. Hence, getting the mechanical clock pendulum length correct does take some diving into the clock world. If there is no idea what pendulum it would take, this is a basic guide. Of course, this is a basic guide to narrow it down to the best pendulum for the clock. This will cover most situations, without special equipment to fFew readersPendulum Measuring on German Clocks
Sequential steps to obtain a pendulum First, know who really made the movement. If the clock was made in Germany post WW2, it will be one of four makers. Hermle, Jauch, Kieninger (/clock-movement/kieninger-clock-movemFew readersClock Pendulum Top Hooks Info
Clock Pendulum Top Hooks Mechanical clock pendulum top hooks replace broken top hooks or to build a new pendulum. This is a nice alternative to replacing an entire clock pendulum if the top is broken or missing. The top hook is the very top of the pendulum that will enable the pendulum to hang on the leader (/producFew readersThe Mechanical Clock Pendulum Assembly
The Mechanical Clock Pendulum Assembly The mechanical clock pendulum assembly does not mean just the pendulum alone. The use of the word assembly means the pendulum consists of three components and not just the pendulum. A pendulum assembly consists of the suspension sprFew readersGrandfather Clock Pendulum Information
Grandfather Clock Pendulum Information Grandfather clock pendulum information begins with the obvious discussion of length. The length of the pendulum on German units comes in a few CM options. German units measure the movement to the bottom of the nut threads. The pendulum (/product/hermleFew readersHermle Clock Pendulum Measuring
Hermle Clock Pendulum Measuring If a Hermle clock doesn't keep proper time, the pendulum may be incorrect. To determine if this is the problem, measure all of the components of the pendulum. Hermle clock pendulum measuring is extremely important. Often enough the CM length stamped on the movement is not the actual pendulum length. Certainly, the CM stamp provides valuable informatFew readersClock Pendulum Stick Assembly
Stick pendulum assembly The unstained wooden stick pendulum does not come assembled. This is the case so it can be stained, if so choose, and then put together. It can be left unstained, stained to match the clock case, or painted black. This is the most versatile style of all the pendulum. The parts that make up the complete pendulum (/clock-parts/german-mechanical-clock-pendulumFew readersMechanical Clock Pendulum Information Tabs
German Mechanical Clock Pendulums - Pendulums for Post WW2 mechanical clocks of German origin. Wall, mantle and grandfather clock pendulums - Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Mechanical Clock Pendulums" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to help with determining the proper Mechanical Clock Pendulums for your clock. /sutab sutab title="How to order" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" targeFew readers
Clock Dials
What are some different Clock Dials and Numerals?
Knowledge Base Clock Dials and Numerals Info Article sections Clock Dials and Numerals Clockworks offers a variety of shapes and colors of clock dials and numerals. Of course the dials come in round, square, moon top and more. Many of the round dials have aSome readersWhat is a Clock Bezel?
Knowledge Base Clock Bezel Description Article sections Clock Bezels Description A clock bezel description consists of the brass part that holds the clock glass in place. It can be confusing to get the bezel and then the flat or convex glass. To buy the clockSome readersWhat are some different styles of Clock Crystals?
Knowledge Base Clockworks Clock Dial Variations Tabs Article sections The dial to a clock is also sometimes called the face of the clock. It is the part where the numbers are that tell you the time of day. All about clock dialsDials and NumeralsDial DrillingAbout BezelsStyles of DialsClock Crystals Please view these tabs for information on clock dials that Clockworks offers and all the variations available. Clock Dials and Numerals Clockworks ofSome readersHow do I drill a Clock Dial?
Knowledge Base Clock Dial Drilling Description Article sections Clock dial drilling description The following is a description of drilling a clock dial. Clock dials often only have the center hole for the clock hand post to come through. If using a spring (https://wSome readersHow do I fix the Strike on a Mechanical Clock?
This has to do with the mechanical components behind the dial. You would remove the dial and take note of the saw tooth rack, it looks like you could saw something with it. It falls down on a snail looking thing that is on the same tube as the hour hand. This set up is called a rack and snail count system. There are 12 saw looking teeth on the rack, one tooth per hour. As it falls on the graduated portions of the snail, it moves up one notch at a time, each tooth being one strike sound. If therSome readersWhat are some different styles of Clock Dials?
Knowledge Base Clock Dial Description of Styles Article sections Clock Dial Description of Styles When creating clocks it is a good idea to know all the options for the dial before deciding what clock to build. The dial is both the most important thing and also the most tricky at times when building aSome readersWhere can I order a Grandfather Clock Moon Dial?
Knowledge Base Grandfather Clock Moon Dial Ordering Article sections Grandfather Clock Moon Dial Ordering Read this section before ordering a new moon dial for the grandfather clock. There are specific things to know so as not to purchase the wrong dial for your clock. Not all moon dials fit all clocks. In essence, each onSome readersWhat is the history of Clock Moon Dials?
Knowledge Base Clock Moon Dial History Article sections Clock Moon Dial History The phase of the moon is still popular on modern mechanical clock movements. It is interesting to know the clock moon dial history as to why and when the it became such a popular feature to add to grandfather clocks. Why it began In the late 1600's traveling ( readersWhat are different variations of Clock Crystals?
Knowledge Base Clock Crystals - Glass Variations Article sections Clock Crystals - Glass Variations Let us explore the variety of clock crystals, because the glass does have many variations. The size options are vast, however the shape requirement may not be available in the size that you may need. The first step is to identify if the glass is square, round, oblong or some other odd shape. If the glass is round, you need to determine if it is conveFew readersWhat is the Face of a Clock Called?
The face of a clock is a key component that most people recognize immediately. This part of the clock is not just for show; it serves a functional purpose by displaying the time. So, what exactly do we call the face of a clock? In the world of horology, we refer to the face of a clock as the dial. Let’s explore this essential part of the clock in detail. Understanding the Clock Dial The dial is where you see the tiFew readersClock Dials and Numerals Info
Clock Dials and Numerals Clockworks offers a variety of shapes and colors of clock dials and numerals. Of course the dials come in round, square, moon top and more. Many of the round dials have a choice of white, ivory or gold. Create a new dial out of any type of material and then use the numerals (/clock-parts/quartz-clock-movement-accessoFew readersGrandfather Clock Moon Dial Ordering
Moon Dial, Grandfather Clock Dial, history of moon dial, Grandfather Clock Moon Dial Ordering Read this section before ordering a new moon dial for the grandfather clock. There are specific things to know so as not to purchase the wrong dial for your clock. Not all moon dials fit all clocks. In essence, each oFew readersGrandfather Clock Moon Dials Tabs
Grandfather Clock Moon Dials - Grandfather and grandmother clock phase of the moon dials spin one month per revolution. - Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Moon Dials" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to help with Grandfather Clock Moon Dials. /sutab sutab title="Moon Dial Ordering" - perfect - disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" post-content id=96337 shortcodesFew readersClock Dial Description of Styles
Clock Dial Description of Styles When creating clocks it is a good idea to know all the options for the dial before deciding what clock to build. The dial is both the most important thing and also the most tricky at times when building a clock. It is most important because that is what people look at all day long. The dial makes or breaks the clock appearance. It is tricky because often whatFew readersClock Crystals - Glass Variations
Clock Crystals - Glass Variations Let us explore the variety of clock crystals, because the glass does have many variations. The size options are vast, however the shape requirement may not be available in the size that you need. The first step is to identify if the glass is square, round, oblong or some other odd shape. If the glass is round, need to determine if it is convex or flat. The following paragraphs will clarify each type. Round Convex Clock Glass Variations Clockworks offFew readersClock Numerals - Dial Numbers
Clock Numerals - Dial Numbers A versatile product for multiple types of clocks or craft projects. Use clock Numerals or dial numbers to replace missing ones on the clock dial. Additionally, use these numbers to create a clock dial out of whatever material the clock is to be made out of. Of course, it is always fun to be creative and incorporate these numerals in a variety of projects and not just clocks. In essence, these areFew readersClock Bezel Description
Clock Bezels Description A clock bezel description consists of the brass part that holds the clock glass in place. It can be confusing to get the bezel and then the flat or convex glass. To buy the clock bezel and then try to get the correct glass separately to put them all together is not easy. It is best to get the clock bezel glass and dial (/product/clock-bezel-dial-glass-Few readersClock Dial Drilling Description
Clock dial drilling description The following is a description of drilling a clock dial. Clock dials often only have the center hole for the clock hand post to come through. If using a spring driven mechanical clock movement, need to drill holes in the dial. This is so the clock key (/clock-parts/clock-kFew readersClockworks Clock Dial Variations Tabs
The dial to a clock is also known as the face of the clock. It is the part where the numbers are that tell you the time of day. sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" sutab title="All about clock dials" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" Please view these tabs for information on clock dials that Clockworks offers and all the variations available. /sutab sutab title="Dials and Numerals" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" post-content id=144246 shortFew readersGrandfather Clock Moon-Dial Installation
Grandfather Clock Moon Dial Installation A Grandfather clock moon-dial installation explanation is in this section. Thus, this is written for a new movement installation in mind. However can use it for any post WW2 German mechanical unit with issues in relation to the front of the movement. The Moon Gear Install the moon gear onto the new movement prior to the clock moon-dial (/clock-parFew readersClock Moon Dial History
Clock Moon Dial History The phase of the moon is still popular on modern mechanical clock movements. It is interesting to know the clock moon dial history as to why and when the it became such a popular feature to add to grandfather clocks. Why it began In the late 1600's traveling took awhile andFew readers
400 Day Parts
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Chime Rods
How do I fix Grandfather Clock Chime issues?
Knowledge Base Grandfather Clock Chime Issues Article sections Grandfather Clock Chime Issues When a grandfather clock has issues with the chime functioning these are some basic corrections. The chime is the song that plays every 15 minutes and not to be confused with the strike. The strike is what calls out the hours after it is done with the chime song. This section will resolve chime issues that are not the fault of the clock movement (https://PopularHow do I position my Chime Hammer?
Knowledge Base Clock Chime Hammer Positioning Article sections Why Chime Hammer Positioning is required Mechanical clock chime hammer positioning is easy to do, and only involves bending the hammer head wires. Upon the initial installation, this was done by the clock maker ( do I get a Mechanical Clock to chime on time?
Knowledge Base Mechanical Clock Chime On Time Article sections Mechanical Clock Chime On Time These are the directions to get a German mechanical clock to chime on time. This means having the clock hands point to the right spot when the clock chimes. When replacing a clock movement, or gettinPopularHow do I set the Chime Sequence on my clock?
There are two gears on the back of the back plate of the movement. These gears make the roll pin spin around as the gear train spins. One of these gears has a set screw in it. You may or may not have to loosen this set screw to turn it as you hold the gear train from moving at the same time. You can stop the gear train from moving by just putting a finger to stop the fly on the top from spinning. Note the direction the big gear on the back with the set screw turns when chiming. On the quarter hoSome readersWhat are some different Chime Block styles?
Knowledge Base Clock Chime Block Styles Article sections Clock Chime Block Styles The first step in purchasing a new chime block is to determine the chime block style that is in the clock. The Styles are side, bottom and back (https://wwSome readersWhy do the Clock Movement Chimes sound bad?
The hammers are to be bent approximately 1/8 of an inch from there chime rods. This way they will not thud or double hit. The volume will vary depending on if you have the clock on hardwood or a rug or against the wall or not.Some readersHow do I fix the Strike Hammers that are stuck in the up position?
The hammer(s) on this one are controlled by a star cam in the center of the strike gear train. When the gear train runs, the star cam turns, and lifts the hammers by the stainless rod coming going down the back of the movement to the hammers The star cam does turn with some force independent of the gear train. So the solution to this is to remove the movement, put your finger on the top of the gear train or fly / fan, and then use a flat head screwdriver on one of the star cam teeth as to push iSome readersWhere can I get a complete Chime-Block?
Knowledge Base Clock chime-block and rods note Article sections Why we offer only the complete chime-block We now only offer the complete clock chime-block and rods . The rods are pressed into the chime-block by machines and it is difficult to get a single rod out. Other times they are threaded into the block but secured so tight you cannot remove them. Trying to do so would result in more rods breaking. Also there are various threads on the rods tFew readersHow do you make a German Mechanical Movement chime on time?
Take the minute hand off of the clock, this is the longer of the two hands. With this minute hand off of the clock, turn it upside down, you will see it has a square hole where it attaches to the clock. Well this square hole is in a bushing that will rotate WITHIN the minute hand itself. So just use needle nose pliers to turn this bushing so the square in the bushing will rotate. Then put the hand back on the clock and see if its pointing to the correct place where it chimed. Then set to time.Few readersWhat Does Chime Mean on a Clock?
Chiming clocks have long been cherished for their ability to not only keep time but also fill a room with melodic sounds. If you've ever wondered what exactly "chime" means on a clock and how it functions, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll explore the intricacies of clock chimes, their significance, and how to maintain them for optimal performance. What Is a Clock Chime? AFew readersGrandfather Clock Chime Issues
Grandfather Clock Chime Issues When a grandfather clock has issues with the chime functioning these are some basic corrections. The chime is the song that plays every 15 minutes and not to be confused with the strike. The strike is what calls out the hours after it is done with the chime song. This section will resolve chime issues that are not the fault of the clock movement itself. In other words what falls into the realm of being a set up issue instead of a movemeFew readersClock Chime Hammer Positioning
Why Does Chime Hammer Positioning Need to Occur Mechanical clock chime hammer positioning is easy to do. It only involves bending the hammer head wires. Upon the initial installation, this was done by the clock maker as well. When replacing a clock movement you need to bend the chime hammers to the chime rFew readersChime Block Information Tabs
Mechanical clock chime rods for post 1950 mechanical clocks. Offering the chime block complete with the rods. Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Chimeblock and Rods" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to learn about our Mechanical Clock Chimeblock and Rods /sutab sutab title="Why the entire chimeblock" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" post-content id=82487 shortFew readers
Cuckoo Parts
How do I replace Cuckoo Bellow Tops?
Knowledge Base Replacing Cuckoo Bellow Tops Article sections Disconnecting the bellows The lift wires travel from the movement up to the flaps of the old bellow tops. Furthermore, these wires are taken off in order to remove the cuckoo bellows (https://Some readersReplacing Cuckoo Bellow Tops
Disconnecting the bellows The lift wires travel from the movement up to the flaps of the old bellow tops. Furthermore, these wires are taken off in order to remove the cuckoo bellows. Usually this is done by opening the loop on the lower end of the lift wire. This is where it conneFew readers
How do I fix Grandfather Clock Weights that are stuck?
Knowledge Base Grandfather Clock Weights Stuck Article sections Grandfather Clock Weights Stuck The Grandfather clock weights can get stuck in the high position if over wound. Some larger clocks have over wind protection to prevent this. The grandmother and grandfather chain drive units often do not have thisPopularWhat are Grandfather Clock Weights?
Knowledge Base Grandfather Clock Weights Description Article sections Grandfather Clock Weights Description The Grandfather Clock Weights Description on this web page will cover what is meant by weights and their parts. Any part of the weight is available on its own. We also offer complete weights. If needing a complete clock weight, we need to determine what the apPopularHow do I install Mechanical Clock Weight?
Knowledge Base Mechanical Clock Weight Installation Article sections Mechanical Clock Weight Installation The weights may or may not all weigh the same however they usually do not. It is needed to know what weights goes on what chain or cable for most floor clocSome readersWhat are the Weights for in a Pendulum Clock?
Pendulum clocks have fascinated people for centuries, combining mechanical precision with elegant design. One of the most intriguing aspects of these timepieces is the use of weights. If you’ve ever wondered what those weights do in a pendulum clock, you’re not alone. Let’s dive into the mechanics of these clocks and explore the essential role that weights play, along with some valuable maintenance tFew readersGrandfather Clock Weights Stuck
Grandfather Clock Weights Stuck The Grandfather clock weights can get stuck in the high position if over wound. Some larger clocks have over wind protection to prevent this. The grandmother and grandfather chain drive units often do not have this feature. When winding the weights up make sure the top of the weight can be seen when done. Never go to the point where the top of the shiny weight cover can'Few readersGrandfather Clock Weights Description
Grandfather Clock Weights Description The Grandfather Clock Weights Description on this web page will cover what is meant by weights and their parts. Any part of the weight is available on its own. We also offer complete weights. If needing a complete clock weight, we need to determine what the appropriate weight is for the clock. This requires getting the information off of the back plate of the brass movement (/clock-movement.htmFew readersClock Weight Information Tabs
Mechanical Grandfather Clock Weights in a variety of options. Get any part of the weight or the weight complete for your clock, using the weight chart Full article » sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Clock Weights" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to learn about our Mechanical Grandfather Clock Weights /sutab sutab title="Weights Description" disabled="Few readersMechanical Clock Weight Installation
Mechanical Clock Weight Installation The weights may or may not all weigh the same however they usually do not. It is needed to know what weights goes on what chain or cable for most floor clocks in existence. Typically there is differences on the weights from left to right on a mechanical floor clock. This section is referring to post WW2 modernFew readers
How do I remove a Clock Mainspring Barrel?
Knowledge Base Removing a clock mainspring barrel Article sections Removing a clock mainspring barrel Often a clock mainspring barrel can be removed without disassembling the clock movements outer plates. The mainspring will alsSome readersHow does a Loop-End Clock Mainspring break?
Knowledge Base Mechanical Clock Mainspring Ordering Tabs Article sections Loop End Clock Mainspring - Used on Antique spring driven clocks. These have a loop on the end to wrap around the movements plate arbor. - Clockworks Loop-End MainspringDescriptionDamage AssessmentMeasuring the Mainspring Please view these information tabs to help get Clock Loop-End Mainspring Replacements Loop-End Clock Mainspring Description The Loop-End clock mainsprinSome readersWhat can happen when a Clock Mainspring breaks?
Knowledge Base Clock Mainspring Break Damage Article sections Clock Mainspring Break - Damage Assessment When a mainspring breaks within a clock movement, it could cause damage. The damage could be within the movement itself or to the clock case. It is uncommon but sometimes even the sides of the wood case get damaged when a mainspring breaks. The German movement As for the movement itself, we need to check the gear teeth and the gear arbors.Some readersHow to identify Hermle Mainspring Barrel numbers.
Knowledge Base Hermle mainspring barrel numbers Article sections Hermle mainspring barrel numbers Clockworks Helpdesk Mainspring barrel number to size spring Hermle mainspring barrel numbers Hermle mainspring barrels have numbers on the barrel caps and thSome readersWhat are Hole End Mainsprings?
Knowledge Base Measuring Hole End Mainsprings Article sections About Hole End Mainsprings The type of springs that are wound in a brass barrel enclosure is known as a Hole End Mainspring. Measure the Hole End Mainspring ( readersHow do I measure a Loop-End Clock Mainspring?
Knowledge Base Clock Loop-End Mainspring Measuring Article sections Clock Loop-End Mainspring Measuring Loop end mainsprings are measured by width, thickness, and length. These are not always easy measurements to get, and the mainspring would need to be removed from the clock. It can be a frustrating puzzle to do, and a dangerous one also. But if your learning clFew readersWhat is a Loop-End Clock Mainspring?
Knowledge Base Loop-End Clock Mainspring Description Article sections Loop-End Clock Mainspring Description The Loop-End clock mainspring description is a long flat spring with a loop on one end. This loop gets wrapped around the outer plate pillar of the movement. In other words, this is the type of mainspring that can be seen. It is not contained in a barrel. LiFew readersWhere can I replace a Hole-End Clock Mainspring?
Knowledge Base Hole-End Clock Mainspring Replacement Service Article sections Hole-End Clock Mainspring replacement service For a hole-end clock mainspring replacement, send clockworks the clock barrel and we will swap out the mainspring. Leave the Hole-End clock mainFew readersWhat happens when a Clock Mainspring breaks?
Knowledge Base Clock Mainspring Damage Article sections Clock Mainspring Damage When a clock mainspring breaks the impact can cause damage to the movement. Damage would be within the parts of the gear train itself. It is possible that the pivots that go into the outer plates or the arbors have bent. Best to check the clock movement's condition before ordering a clocFew readersWhat Is a Mainspring in a Clock?
A mainspring in a clock serves as the powerhouse that drives the movement of mechanical clocks. This coiled strip of metal, typically made of high-grade steel, stores energy when wound, which it releases gradually to power the gears and hands of the clock. Understanding the role of the mainspring is crucial for anyone involved in clockFew readersHermle Mainspring Barrel Numbers
Hermle mainspring barrel numbers Hermle mainspring barrel numbers Mainspring barrel number to size spring Barrel Number Mainspring Dimensions MM 10 17 x .45 x 1490 11 17 x .42 x 1500 20 & 56 17 x .38 x 1200 21 & 50 17 x .40 x 1200 31 12 x .34 x 1150 32 12 x .42 x 1100 33 12 x .32 x 1150 40 17 x .38 x 1100 41 21 x .40 x 1550 42 17 x .40 x 1100 52 17 x .42 x 1200 54 21 x .42 x 1900 55 21 x .45 x 1800 suexpFew readersClock Loop-End Mainspring Measuring
Clock Loop-End Mainspring Measuring Measure Loop end mainsprings by width, thickness, and length. These are not always easy measurements to get, and the mainspring would need to be taken out from the clock. It can be a frustrating puzzle to do, and a dangerous one also. But if learning clock repair or have time on the hands so to speak, here are some guidelines. CautFew readersMechanical Clock Mainspring Ordering Tabs
Loop End Clock Mainspring - Use on Antique spring driven clocks. These have a loop on the end to wrap around the movements plate arbor. - Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Loop-End Mainspring" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to help get Clock Loop-End Mainspring Replacements /sutab sutab title="Description" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" post-content id=95Few readersClock Mainspring Break Damage
Clock Mainspring Break - Damage Assessment When a mainspring breaks within a clock movement, it could cause damage. This damage could be within the movement itself or to the clock case. However, it is uncommon, but sometimes even the sides of the wood case can sustain damage when a mainspring breaks. The German movement As for the movement itself, we need to check the gear teeth and the gear arbors. Any damage will be on the lower part of the gear train if anywhere. Initially, the teeFew readersLoop-End Clock Mainspring Description
Loop-End Clock Mainspring Description The Loop-End clock mainspring description consists of a long flat spring with a loop on one end. This loop wraps around the outer plate pillar of the movement. In other words, this is the type of mainspring that can be seen. Thus, it is not inside a barrel. Likewise, if the spring is in a barrel, the mainspring can't be seen. Hence, a mainspring that cannot be seen is a hole end mainspring (/Few readersClock Mainspring Damage
Clock Mainspring Damage When a clock mainspring breaks the impact can cause damage to the movement. This damage would be within the parts of the gear train itself. It is possible that the pivots that go into the outer plates or the arbors have bent. So it is best to check the clock movement's condition before ordering a clock mainspring. What to check If working with a hoFew readersHole-End Clock Mainspring Replacement Service
Hole-End Clock Mainspring replacement-service addtocartvariable sku="HEMS-Service" For a Hole-End Clock Mainspring replacement-service, all you have to do is send clockworks the clock barrel. Once we have the barrel, the old spring will be taken out. Then it is just a matter of installing the new mainspring. When sending in the mainspring, be please sure tFew readersRemoving a Clock Mainspring Barrel
Removing a clock mainspring barrel Often a clock mainspring barrel can be taken out without disassembling the clock movements outer plates, on Hermle or Kieninger clock movements. The mainspring will also still stay inside the barrel. Letting down the mainspring power The mainspring let down tool (/product/clock-mainspring-let-down-tool-setFew readersHole End Clock Mainspring Tabs
Hole End Clock Mainspring - For a mechanical spring driven clock movements that have a barrel cover over the spring. - Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Mainsprings" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to help with the proper Clock Movement Hole-End Mainsprings size for your clock. /sutab sutab title="Measuring the Mainspring" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" poFew readers
Pendulum Parts
How do I replace a Clock Pendulum Leader?
Knowledge Base Clock Pendulum Leader Information Article sections Clock Pendulum Leaders Mechanical pendulum clock leaders for post 1950 movements. These leader will fit clock movements made in Germany after WW2. The first step to replace a lost leader ( can I get replacement Pendulum parts?
Knowledge Base Replacing Lost Pendulum Parts Article sections Replacing Lost Pendulum Parts By and large, replacing a lost pendulum part from its assembly is a process. It is more complicated than just matching up the broken pendulum part. Certainly, narrowing it down requires a different method than just observatiPopularWhere can I get Clock Pendulum Top Hooks?
Knowledge Base Clock Pendulum Top Hooks Info Article sections Clock Pendulum Top Hooks Mechanical clock pendulum top hooks replace broken top hooks or to build a new pendulum. This is a nice alternative to replacing an entire clock pendulum (httpsSome readersHow to install Suspension Springs
Knowledge Base Article sections How to Install Suspension Springs alarm About 2 Minutes A quick and easy how to article on installing clock suspension springs. Clock Suspension Spring Installation Last Updated: 2 months ago in Related ArticlesFew readersClock Pendulum Suspension-Spring Information
Clock Pendulum Suspension-Spring Information The following is a discussion on clock pendulum suspension-spring information. Naturally, suspension springs do not have to be exact in length. If the clock runs slow, simply raise the pendulum bob with the rating nutFew readersClock Pendulum Parts Information Tabs
Clock Pendulum Parts for the mechanical clock pendulum assembly are on this webpage, such as bobs and suspension springs. sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Pendulum Parts" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to learn more about replacing clock pendulum parts. /sutab sutab title="Definitions" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" post-content id=120971 shortcodes="true" /suFew readersClock Suspension Spring Installation
schematype type="HowTo" title="How to Install Suspension Springs" howtostep step="1" name="Clock Suspension Spring Installation" imgurl=" howtostepdirection The following is a description of a clock suspension spring installation. There are two ways that the clock suspension spring can be held into the suspension post. One way is to use a thumb, or set screw. When ready, just remove the screw and the suspension spring (/productFew readers
Clock Hands
How to install Cuckoo Clock Hands
Knowledge Base How to install Cuckoo Clock Hands Article sections Installing cuckoo clock hands Installing the cuckoo clock hands bought from starts with removing the old hands. Removing the old cuckoo hands To remove the cuckoo hands you will only need a pair of needle nose pliers (hPopularWhere can I order Mechanical Clock Hands?
Knowledge Base Ordering Mechanical Clock Hands Article sections Mechanical Clock Hands The German mechanical clock hands are sold by the time track diameter. When ordering these mechanical clock hands, this measurement is important. To clarify, the dial diameter is the measurement ofSome readersWhere can I get Mechanical Clock Hands?
Knowledge Base About Mechanical Clock Hands Article sections Hands For Mechanical Clocks The Mechanical Clock hands in the list below are sold by dial diameter size. Alternately, this is not the same method as a clock that operates on a battery. Instead, determine the hands for mechanical clocks (https:Some readersHow do I remove Mechanical Clock Hands?
Knowledge Base Removing the Mechanical Clock Hands Article sections Removing Mechanical Clock Hands Removing Mechanical Clock Hands is fast and easy to do. The following are hand removal instructions for German mechanical movements post WW2. German Post WW2 wall, mantle and floor models Removing mechanical clock hands for post WW2, manSome readersHow to install German Mechanical Clock Hands
Knowledge Base German Mechanical clock hands Installation Article sections German Mechanical Clock Hands Installation German Mechanical clock hands Installation is easy and fast. Germans used bushings in both the hour and minute hands. Where as the American units have the buSome readersHow do I install German Mechanical Clock Hands
Knowledge Base German Mechanical Clock Hand Installation Article sections German Mechanical Clock Hand Installation The installation of the clock hands on a German mechanical movement is reverse of removal. If either the movement was replaced, or the hands are new, the minute hand must be adjusted. This is so it will point to thSome readersWhat are High Torque Hands?
Knowledge Base High Torque Hand Information Tabs Article sections Super Torque Clock Hands - "I" Shaft quartz clock hands for High Torque battery operated quartz clock movements. - Clockworks High Torque HandsDescriptionHand InstallationHardware NotesTrouble Shooting High Torque Hand Information Use High Torque Clock Hands on larger clock dial diameters. Subsequently, these hands require a high torque clock movement ( readersWhat are High-Torque Clock Hands?
Knowledge Base About High-Torque Clock Hands Article sections About High-Torque clock hands High-Torque clock hands are any minute hand over 5 inches. Of course, they need a strong battery movement known as High Torque. To get the correct size, measure the minute hand only, from the center of the mounting hole to the tip. You will receive one set of hands, minute and hour, from that one measurement. The hands we sell are known as the USA standard “Few readersWhat are the Hands on a Clock Called?
Clock hands are essential components of any clock, serving as the visual indicators of time. They move around the clock face, pointing to the current hour, minute, and sometimes second. Understanding what each hand is called and how it functions can enhance your appreciation of these timepieces. In this FAQ article, we will explore the different types, their specific names, and their roles in timekeFew readersHands for Mechanical Clocks
post-content id=136549 shortcodes="true" German Spade Hermle german mechanical spade hands For many dial diameters. These fit most German mechanical clock movements. The minute hand has a 2.2mm square mounting hole, the hour hand has a 4.5mm round hole. addtocartvariable sku="CH1" German Maltese Hands For Mechanical Clocks (/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/20190625134153T.jpgFew readersGerman Mechanical-Clock Hand Installation
German Mechanical-Clock Hand Installation The installation of a German Mechanical-Clock Hand on a German mechanical movement is quite simple. It is simply the opposite of the removal process. The minute hand must go through some adjustments if you are replacing the movement. Also if the hands are new. This is so it will point to the correct time when it chimes. German MechanicaFew readersAbout Mechanical Clock Hands
Hands For Mechanical Clocks The Mechanical Clock hands in the list below are sold by dial diameter size. Alternately, this is not the same method as a clock that operates on a battery. Instead, determine the hands for mechanical clocks as an after effect of measuring the dial diameter. Furthermore, a time track is the outer ring that clocks sometimes have just outside the nFew readersRemoving the Mechanical Clock Hands
Removing Mechanical Clock Hands Removing Mechanical Clock Hands is fast and easy to do. The following are hand removal instructions for German mechanical movements post WW2. German Post WW2 wall, mantle and floor models Removing mechanical clock hands for post WW2, mantle and floor clocks is quite simple. Turn the hand nut to the left while holding the minute hand with your fingers. Use some sFew readersOrdering Mechanical Clock Hands
Mechanical Clock Hands German mechanical clock hands are sold by the time track diameter. This measurement is important when ordering these mechanical clock hands. To clarify, the dial diameter is the measurement of the time track. This means from just outside the 9 straight across to just outside the 3. For example, if the time track diameter is 6 inches, then select hands for a 6 inch time track inFew readersGerman Mechanical Clock Hands Installation
German Mechanical Clock Hands Installation German Mechanical clock hands Installation is easy and fast. Germans used bushings in both the hour and minute hands. Where as the American units have the bushing in the hour hand only. This section describes the German style with bushings in both. The hour tube will have the round bushing installed, the minute hand will haveFew readers