Time Only
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All Battery Movements
How do I measure the Post of a Quartz Clock Movement?
Knowledge Base Quartz clock movement measuring Article sections Quartz clock movement measuring Please select the post length when ordering a new quartz clock movement. Of course, when doing quartz clock movement measuring, remember the post will need to be able to go through the thickness of thePopularWhat are some Hermle Quartz Clock Movement replacement options?
Knowledge Base The best Hermle quartz clock movement alternatives Article sections Hermle quartz clock movement replacement options The best Hermle quartz clock movement replacements are found in the list below. The list is in priority of the best replacement choice to the least. What this means is the closest to the old size, with the best sound quality has the best rating and is on top of the list. It also has the price in this order also, highesPopularHow do I measure the Post lengths of a Quartz Movement?
Knowledge Base Measuring quartz post lengths Article sections Measuring quartz post lengths Above all, when replacing a quartz movement it means measuring quartz post lengths. Subsequently, the post will stick out through the front of the clock dial (https://www.clockworks.com/clock-parts/clock-diPopularWhat is a High-Torque Quartz Clock Movement?
Knowledge Base High-Torque Quartz Movement Info Tabs Article sections High-Torque Quartz Clock Movement HT1-AA - Compact and powerful quartz clock battery movement. Build or repair a larger sized quartz clocks. - Clockworks High Torque Quartz Clock MovementsAssembly DiagramRemovalInstallationWhat To MeasureDial Thickness To Post SizeDefinitions Please view these information tabs to learn more about High Torque Quartz Clock Movements Quartz CloPopularHow to remove a Quartz Clock Movement
Knowledge Base About Quartz Clock Movements Tabs Article sections Quartz Battery Clock Movement - Replace or build clocks with the compact single AA battery quartz clock movement - Clockworks Quartz MovementsQuartz removalQuartz installationWhat to measureMeasuring post lengthsDefinitions Please view these informational tabs to learn about time only quartz clock movements (https://www.clockworks.com/clock-movement/quartz-clock-movements-time-only.htPopularWhat is a Quartz-Battery Clock Movement?
Knowledge Base Quartz Clock Movement Definitions of Terms Article sections Quartz-Battery Clock Movement Definitions Of course, you can easily replace a movement by familiarizing yourself with these simple terms and words. These Quartz clock movement definitions are the most common phrases and meanings related to the quartz clock movements (https://www.clockworks.coSome readersWhat are the special functions of the QU40 Clock Movement?
CDS is the 24hr mode where the clock will chime 24hrs a day, as long as it senses light. The Monitor button demonstrates the hourly chime. Use the SET button advances the hour strike count without advancing the time shown on the clock. The Reset button resets the next hour strike count to 6 AM. Please see diagram of these things at this link https://www.clockworks.com/product/premium-chime-clock-movementSome readersWhat do I do now that the Hermle Clock Movements 241-070 and 241-040 are no longer made?
Knowledge Base The obsolete Hermle Clock movement 241-070 and 241-040 Article sections 241-070 and 241-040 No longer made Clock movement 241-070 and 241-040 is no longer available. These two weight, chain driven units were very popular in the clock world but they are now obsolete. What to do? We can restore the clock movement (https://www.clockworks.com/clock-repair/Some readersWhere does the light sensor go on the QU40 Clock Movement?
The light sensor needs to be placed in an area where it is exposed to light. If it is not able to sense light then the clock will not chime. Install the light sensor on the side of the clock case where it is exposed to the light in the room.Few readersHow a Battery-Operated Clock Mechanism Works
Seiko Chiming Clock Movement Battery-operated clocks have become a staple in homes and offices due to their reliability, simplicity, and low maintenance requirements. While these clocks are common, many people might not fully understand how a battery-operated clock mechanism works. This knowledge can be parFew readersChoosing a Replacement Quartz Movement for Specific Clock Models
Hermle quartz 2114 2214 2115 2215 clock movement Selecting the right replacement quartz movement for your clock is crucial to maintaining its functionality and aesthetic appeal. This choice ensures that your clock not only tells time accurately but also retains its original charm. Whether you're restoring a cherished family heirloom orFew readersHow Do I Identify and Replace a Seth Thomas Quartz Clock Movement?
If you own a Seth Thomas clock with a quartz movement, identifying and replacing it can seem challenging. However, with the right guidance and tools, you can do it with ease. This FAQ guide will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring your clock runs smoothly again. Identifying Your Seth Thomas Quartz Clock Movement BeforeFew readersHow Do I Choose and Install Quartz Movements for Thick Clock Dials?
Choosing and installing quartz movements for clocks with thick dials can be a straightforward process when you know what to look for. Whether you’re working on a cherished heirloom or a new project, this guide will help you make the right choices. It will also walk you through the installation process step by step. Selecting the Right QuFew readersHow to Secure a Quartz Clock Movement in a Larger Dial Opening
Securing a quartz clock movement in a larger dial opening can be tricky, but with the right approach and tools, you can ensure a snug fit. This process is essential for keeping your clock running smoothly because a loose movement can lead to poor timekeeping or even damage. In this guide, we’ll show you how to properly secure a quartz clock movement into a larger dial opening, using an active approach. /p Step 1: Gather All Necessary Tools and Parts p Before you start, make sure you haveFew readersQuartz Clock Movement Measuring
Quartz clock movement measuring Please select the post length when ordering a new quartz clock movement. Of course, when doing quartz clock movement measuring, remember the post will need to be able to go through the thickness of the dial face. Also remember that the dial may or may not have a wood backing to it. With a wood backing the clock dial or face would be thicker and thus would need aFew readersQuartz Clock Movement Removal
Quartz Clock Movement Removal This note explains quartz clock movement removal from the case. The following does not apply to quartz units made in Germany or inserts. To remove the movement, you need access to the back of the clock and the front side of the clock dial. There are so many case designs it would not be possible to cover all of the different variations.Few readersMeasuring Quartz Post Lengths
Measuring quartz post lengths Above all, when replacing a quartz movement it means measuring quartz post lengths. Subsequently, the post will stick out through the front of the clock dial. Of course, there needs to be enough threads sticking out for the hex nut to be put on. Hence, the movement will be held in place to the back of the dial (clock face) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ClockfaceFew readersAbout Quartz Clock Movements Tabs
Quartz Battery Clock Movement - Replace or build clocks with the compact single AA battery quartz clock movement - Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Quartz Movements" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these informational tabs to learn about time only quartz clock movements. /sutab sutab title="Quartz removal" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blaFew readersQuartz Clock Movement Definitions of Terms
Quartz-Battery Clock Movement Definitions Of course, can easily replace a movement by familiarizing with these simple terms and words. These Quartz clock movement definitions are the most common phrases and meanings related to the quartz clock movements. Clock Dial Dial = The clock face thFew readersHow to Measure the Hermle Quartz Hand Shaft
Hermle quartz hand shaft measurement How to measure the Hermle Quartz hand shaft. Measure the entire post that sticks out of the movement. From the plastic base all the way out to the tip of the post. This measurement is different from how all other quartz units are measured. Hermle used three hand shaft lengths on their base units. These lengths are 16mm, 21mm, and 26mm. There was a time some of the 26mm had an internal modification toFew readersHigh-Torque Quartz Movement Info Tabs
High-Torque Quartz Clock Movement HT1-AA - Compact and powerful quartz clock battery movement. Build or repair a larger sized quartz clocks. - Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="High Torque Quartz Clock Movements" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to learn more about High Torque Quartz Clock Movements /sutab sutab title="Assembly Diagram" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank"Few readers
Second Hands
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Time + Pendulum
How do I make a QU30 Chiming Seiko Clock Movement chime on time?
Knowledge Base QU30 Chiming Seiko Instructions Article sections QU30 Chiming Seiko Instructions The following are the QU30 Chiming Seiko Instructions. Please Note: The movement will not chime the quarter hours while the time is being set. Only the hourly chimes will operate during the setup process. The quarters will start when the clock is set and about 90 minutes after being left alone to chime on its own. Clockworks Helpdesk (https://www.cloPopularHow do I set the time on a QU40 Clock Movement?
Quick Setting Instructions Take the power cells out of the clock; Set the hands forward to 5:45; Insert the power cells, + end down (use alkaline cells); Note: When setting the hands, use the minute (long) hand, or use the knob on the back of the movement. Only turn the hands forward (clockwise); Move the hands forward to 6:05; the clock will chime, then strike 6; The hands are now showing 6:05 a.m. Move the hands forward to the correct time.Some readersHow do I fix a Quartz Pendulum hitting the sides of the clock case?
Knowledge Base Quartz Pendulum Hits Sides of Clock Case Article sections Quartz Pendulum Hits the Sides Hearing a bonk, bonk, bonk all day and night? This is because the pendulum bob is hitting the sides of the clock case with each swing. It may not stop the clock, the clock might work just fine, however the knocking sound of the pendulum hitting the sides of the clock case can be annoying. Lucky for us the correction is fairly simple on these penSome readersWhy is the quartz pendulum not swinging on the QU40 Clock Movement?
Make sure the clock is level up and down. Make sure the pendulum is not rubbing anything during its swing. Make sure the bob is not hitting the side of the case. Make sure the pendulum is out of its LOCKED position and freely swinging in the center of the movement.Few readersQuartz-Pendulum Hits Sides of Clock-Case
Quartz-Pendulum Hits Sides of Clock-Case Hearing a bonk, bonk, bonk all day and night? This is because the Quartz-pendulum hits the sides of clock-case with each swing of the bob. It may not stop the clock, the clock might work just fine, however the knocking sound of the pendulum hitting the sides of the clock case can be annoying. Lucky for us the correction is fairly simple on these pendulum quartz clock movements. WhyFew readers
Hermle Quartz
How do I replace a Hermle Quartz Movement?
Knowledge Base Replacing Hermle quartz movements Article sections Replacing Hermle quartz movements Replacing Hermle Quartz movements is sort of tricky. The units are no longer made and the new ones that are available mount in a different way. The Hermle Quartz clock movements were mounted iPopularWhat do I do now that the Hermle Quartz Movements are discontinued?
Knowledge Base Hermle quartz discontinued - What now Article sections Hermle quartz discontinued - what now? The Hermle Quartz clock movements are discontinued and no longer available. This section will discuss what to do for a new unit. What we can offer clockworks.com offers alternate movements that have the equivalent sound qualitFew readersHow do I measure a Hermle Quartz Handshaft?
Knowledge Base How to measure the Hermle quartz handshaft Article sections Hermle quartz handshaft measurement How to measure the Hermle Quartz handshaft. Measure the entire post that sticks out of the movement. From the plastic base all the way out to the tip of the post. This measurement is different from how all other quartz units are measured. Hermle used three hanFew readersReplacing Hermle Quartz Movements
Replacing Hermle quartz movements Replacing Hermle Quartz movements is sort of tricky. The units are no longer made and the new ones that are available mount in a different way. The Hermle Quartz clock movements were mounted in a way that is not typical to the rest of the quartz clock movements. This has to be taken into consideration during the quartz clock movement conversion to oneFew readersHermle Quartz Discontinued, What Now?
Hermle quartz discontinued - what now? The Hermle Quartz clock movements are discontinued and no longer available. This section will discuss what to do for a new unit. What we can offer clockworks.com offers alternate movements that have the equivalent sound quality and lasts longer than the Hermle units. They have more features and does not break during daylight savings adFew readersRemoving Hermle Quartz Movement
Removing Hermle Quartz Movement Removing A Hermle Quartz movement is done by removing a unique mounting nut. It is not the typical 6 sided hex nut like most units have. Instead, it is a nut that has slots on both sides of the hand shaft. It's just a different way of securing the Hermle Quartz movement to the back of the dial. The slots on the nut have a deep collar with threads that gFew readers
Clock Inserts
How Do I Measure for a Clock Insert?
Measuring for a clock insert requires precision to ensure it fits perfectly into your clock case. Whether you're replacing an old insert or creating a new clock project, getting the measurements right is crucial. This guide will walk you through the steps of measuring for a clock insert, helping you select the correct size and style for your timepiece. What is a Clock Insert? A clock insert, also known as a clockFew readersFriction Fit Clock Inserts
Round Quartz Clock Inserts Friction Fit Clock Inserts Friction fit clock inserts fit into an existing hole. In other words, drill a hole into any object and just push the clock insert into it. The insert alone will be too loose of a fit so there is a rubber ring on the back side to fill the gap. Sometimes the rings will break or get lost and a simple solution is a rubber band. Slide a rubber band on the backside of the insert and weFew readers
Electric Movements
How do I remove a Quartz Clock Movement?
Knowledge Base Quartz Clock Movement Removal Article sections Quartz Clock Movement Removal This note explains quartz clock movement removal from the case. The following does not apply to quartz units made in Germany or inserts. To remove the movement you will need access to the back of the clock and the front side of the clock diaSome readersWhat is the Obsolete Antique Electric Clock?
Knowledge Base The Obsolete Antique Electric Clock Article sections The obsolete antique electric clock In the 1920's through the 1950's there were many mechanical clocks that had an electric motor to run them. Unfortunately most of those wonderful electro-mechanical shelf clocks have parts that are no longer available. Some of those units were very impressSome readersWhat is an Electric Clock Motor?
Knowledge Base Electric Clock Motor Description Article sections Electric clock motor description None of the electric clock motors come with hands or hardware. This is due to them becoming harder to come by. So the electric clock motor description of the ones available are below. Likewise, all of these units are meant as replacements for existing movements that are worn out or broken. Consider using a battery movement if building a new clock. TheFew readersWhere do I put the speaker on the QU40 Clock Movement?
The speaker can be mounted anywhere in the clock case to get the best sound quality. There are 2 screw holes in the speaker to enable it to be mounted with wood screws to the clock case.Few readersElectric Clock Motor Description
Electric clock motor description None of the electric clock motors come with hands or hardware. This is due to them becoming harder to come by. So the electric clock motor description of the ones available are below. Likewise, all of these units are meant as replacements for existing movements that are worn out or broken. Consider using a battery movement if building a new clock. The most popular electric movement is the Hansen electric motor. These come in either bottom or rear time set.Few readersElectric Clock - Mechanical Substitutes
Electric Clock - Mechanical Substitutes All of the antique clock movements that are electric and have a wood clock case are obsolete. They are no longer available and not worth repairing. Parts are not available, the movement is useless and the clock looks like its heading for the dump. Such as shame when the clock is part of the family history. There is something that can be done in this situation. Putting a quality mechanFew readersElectric Clock Movement Motors Info Tabs
Replacement Electric Clock Motor Movements - We offer these units that fit some street clocks or industrial applications. Hansen units being the most common. sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Replacement Electric Clock Motor Movements" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to learn about Replacement Electric Clock Motor Movements. /sutab sutab title="How they are sold" disabled="no" anchor=" url="Few readersThe Obsolete Antique Electric Clock
The obsolete antique electric clock In the 1920's through the 1950's there were many mechanical clocks that had an electric motor to run them. Unfortunately most of those wonderful electro-mechanical shelf clocks have parts that are no longer available. Some of those units were very impressive, combining the electrical motor with a quality brass movement. This then eliminates the requirement of winding the clock for it to fFew readers
Quartz hands
What are Quartz Clock Hands?
Knowledge Base About Quartz Clock Hands Tabs Article sections Battery Quartz Clock Hands - Quartz clock hands in black and gold. Please choose the length by the minute hand only. - Clockworks About Quartz Clock HandsDescriptionCompatibility CheckMeasuring and OrderingMounting Sold as a pair with both hour and minute hands. Styles vary depending on length. (https://www.clockworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/quartz-clock-hands-5.jpg)<p class=PopularHow Can I Troubleshoot and Fix Quartz Clock Hand Issues?
If your quartz clock hands aren’t functioning properly, you might feel frustrated by inaccurate timekeeping or motionless hands. Fortunately, you can resolve most issues with quartz clock hands by following some basic troubleshooting and repair steps. In this guide, I will walk you through common problems and how to fix them, ensuring your clock keeps accurate time. Identifying Common Quartz Clock Hand Issues Before you dive inFew readersAbout Quartz Clock Hands Tabs
Battery Quartz Clock Hands - Quartz clock hands in black and gold. Please choose the length by the minute hand only. - Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="About Quartz Clock Hands" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" How to measure the minute hand These are sold as a pair with both hour and minute hands. Of course, styles vary depending on length. /sutab sutab title="Few readers
Mech. to Quartz Conversion Kit
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Chime Units
How do I make the QU40 Clock Movement chime properly?
Make the clock chime the hour by moving the minute hand forward. After it chimes, stop and take off the hands. Put the hands back on the clock with the hour hand pointing to the correct hour. If the minute hand is not where it should be when it chimed, it can be set in the following way. There is a circular hand setting knob on the back of the movement. Hold this setting knob still with your fingers as you turn the minute hand to where it should have pointed too. Let go and it will be all set.PopularQU30 Chiming Seiko Clock-Instructions
QU30 Chiming Seiko Clock-Instructions The following are the QU30 Chiming Seiko Clock-Instructions. Please Note: The movement will not chime the quarter hours while the time is being set. Only the hourly chimes will operate during the setup process. The quarters will start when the clock is set and about 90 minutes after being left alone to chime on its own. (https://www.clockworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/qu30.bFew readersChiming Quartz Movement Info Tabs
Chiming Pendulum Quartz Clock Movements - Replace, or improve an existing pendulum quartz clock. Or build your own clock creation. - Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="Chiming Quartz" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Please view these information tabs to learn more Info about Chiming Quartz Movements /sutab sutab title="Assembly Diagram" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" Clock Dial (/wp-coFew readers
Super Torque
What Does High Torque Clock Movement Mean?
When you hear the term "high torque clock movement," you might wonder what exactly it means and why it matters for your clock project. In simple terms, a high torque clock movement refers to a clock mechanism that has the power to move larger, heavier clock hands. This kind of movement is crucial for clocks with hands that exceed the typical size and weight, ensuring they run smoothly and accurately. Understanding HigFew readersHigh Torque Hand Information Tabs
Super Torque Clock Hands - "I" Shaft quartz clock hands for High Torque battery operated quartz clock movements. - Clockworks sutabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" class=" sutab title="High Torque Hands" disabled="no" anchor=" url=" target="blank" class=" High Torque Hand Information Use High Torque Clock Hands on larger clock dial diameters. Subsequently, these hands require a high torque clock movement that is ruFew readers
How to Install
How do I install a Chime Quartz Movement?
Knowledge Base Chime Quartz Movement Installation Article sections Chime Quartz Movement Installation The following is the basic installation for a chiming quartz movements from Clockworks. However, each unit is varied with the chime functions and speaker style. Therefore, the individual instructions need to be read for this information. Installation sequence Installation of the chime quartz clock movements is dSome readersHow do I install a Quartz Clock Movement?
Knowledge Base Quartz clock movement installation Article sections Clockworks Helpdesk Quartz clock movement installation In essence, this is a quick step by step practical guide for the quartz clock movement installation. The first step is to getSome readersHow do I mount a QU40 Clock Movement?
Put the black rubber washer over the fat threaded post that takes the hex nut. Mount the movement from the back of the dial to the front and install the brass washer, then the hex nut to secure the movement to the back of the dial. Install the hour hand by friction fit only, twist and push on at once. Install the minute hand next with its nut to hold it on. If using a second hand, use the nut with the hole in it. If no second hand the cap nut can be used instead of the nuSome readersHow do I remove a Hermle Quartz Movement?
Knowledge Base Removing Hermle Quartz Movement Article sections Removing Hermle Quartz Movement Removing A Hermle Quartz movement is done by removing a unique mounting nut. It is not the typical 6 sided hex nut like most units have. Instead, it is a nut that has slots on both sides of the hand shaft. It's just a different way of securing the Hermle Quartz (https://www.Few readersHow to Install a Battery Clock Movement
If you're looking to replace or install a new battery clock movement, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you're repairing an old clock or building a new one, the process of installing a battery-powered movement is straightforward. At Clockworks, Inc., we offer a variety of battery-operated clock movements, along with all the parts and tools you need to complete your project. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get your clock ticking again. Step 1: GaFew readers